Viewed: 423 times.

Viewed: 452 times.

Viewed: 393 times.

Gord Cooper has three of these! How cool is that!
Gord Cooper has three of these! How cool is that!
Viewed: 458 times.

Dash plaques
Dash plaques
Viewed: 487 times.

Our man Ivor from across the big pond wins!
Our man Ivor from across the big pond wins!
Viewed: 467 times.

Here is Ivor's roadrunner
Here is Ivor's roadrunner
Viewed: 558 times.

Arno's race car hits the strip
Arno's race car hits the strip
Viewed: 644 times.

Dave and Stu with medival weapons
Dave and Stu with medival weapons
Viewed: 530 times.

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